Salem’s 35+ year legacy involves helping local ministries to develop and launch their messages outside the four walls of the church to a world that desperately needs the gospel. serves as the home of Christian teaching talk, Christian music, and Spanish stations - all streaming from one convenient location. With online streaming, we now have the ability to take the gospel message worldwide, anytime!

Now you have the opportunity to reach a larger audience and take your message farther by including your station on Simply fill out the request form below (all fields required) and we will let you know if your station has been approved to join us here!

All fields are required.

Thank you for your interest!

Contact Full Name
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Station Name
Web site
e.g., New York
Primary Category
Call Letters
Band AM
preferably on a white background and no smaller than 300 x 225 pixels
Drop files here to upload
Stream URL
.pls or .mp3
On Air List URL
XML feed
expressed as a decimal
    +    -
expressed as a decimal
    +    -
Search Keywords
these are the terms listeners would use to find your station (separated by commas)
By submitting your station for approval to be included on, you are hereby agreeing to comply with our terms of service and privacy policy as such documents may be modified from time to time. Our terms of service contain important copyright and other non-infringement requirements which must be complied with by anyone submitting content to be listened to or viewed via You can find current versions of our terms of service and privacy policy via the links for these documents at the bottom of our website page.

Your request to have your station be a part of has been submitted for approval.
Please allow at least 2 weeks for the approval process.
If your submission has been approved, you will receive an email with information on what to do next for your station to become LIVE on our site.