Listen to this great acoustic performance from Passion of the song ‘What He’s Done’ featuring Kristian Stanfill, Tasha Cobbs Leonard, and Anna Golden.

“See on the hill of Calvary, my Savior bled for me, my Jesus set me free 

Look at the wounds that give me life, grace flowing from His side, no greater sacrifice

What He's done, what He's done, all the glory and the honor to the Son

My sins are forgiven, my future is Heaven, I praise God for what He's done” 

What an encouraging song focused on who God is. After this acoustic performance, the group shared about how the song ‘What He’s Done’ was created.

“We were all in Atlanta for a writing camp, writing for Passion, and just so happy that this group happened,” said Kristian Stanfill. “Before we started writing, it was really cool. Jacob and I just started having a conversation about life and family and just some real talk…I felt like that really cracked the door open for just an authentic song of worship. It was really beautiful. Once we were all in there, he sat down and played this chorus, pretty much like you hear it.”

Then Jacob went on to talk about how he came up with the chorus of the song.

“I have a friend who says, ‘I’m trying to be way less of a song writer and way more of a song receiver.’ And that hits me, cause sometimes you do really have to craft and work, and other times, God’s just like, ‘Here you go.’ And that was definitely what was happening that day,” said Jacob. “It was just beautiful, because it just kind of felt like all of us were resonating with what God was doing in the room. It’s always a sweet thing the first time you ever hear a song, and I just really cherish that day, and getting to hear it and writing it with my brothers and my sisters.”

Tasha Cobbs Leonard added her thoughts about the song and how much it means to her.

“I love this song, because a lot of times, we’re moved to write songs about what we need, you know, what we want from Him. But this song is a reminder of what He’s done,” Tasha shared. “You know, sometimes we just need to think back, that if He did it then, He’ll do it again, and just worship Him for who He is.”

We hope that you enjoyed listening to ‘What He’s Done’ by Passion today and the song was able to bring you some encouragement.