One musically gifted young woman belts out a touching but heartbreaking tune about loss and dealing with the death of a loved one.

Unfortunately, death is another part of life that impacts everyone at one time or another. Regardless of the circumstances of the loss, death is always painful, and results in a fair amount of grief. Losing someone near and dear to one’s heart will always and forever hurt. Over time, that loss may sting a little less but that hole in one’s life remains. 

In a video posted on YouTube, musician Becky Kelley sings an original song of hers, “We Miss You.” The track, mentioned in the video’s description, is about her losing someone close to her heart, her cousin Greg. About her cousin, Becky writes that “all who knew him loved him big.”

The lyrics capture, quite accurately, what it feels like after the loss of a loved one. In the immediate aftermath of a loved one’s death, there are immediate feelings of shock, loss and emptiness. But soon after, thoughts turn to trying to imagine what life looks like and feels like without that person. 

“And I miss you, I miss you

Yeah, we’ll go on

But without you, there’s a hole here in our arms

Cause we miss you”

Additionally, throughout the nearly 3-and-a-half-minute video, there are clips of her cousin Greg as a child, an adult and playing the guitar on stage. She adds that her cousin thoroughly enjoyed playing music, performing on stage and simply talking about music. 

Also, as mentioned in the video’s description, the musician has a stated goal for her latest track. 

“I hope this brings peace to you maybe for someone in your life that you’ve lost,” she writes.

Psalm 23:4 “Yes, though I go through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”