Listen to this moving performance by Lynda Randle of the song ‘Sheltered In The Arms Of God.’ These lyrics remind us of the protection we find in our Lord!

“I feel the touch of hands so kind and tender, 

They're leading me in paths that I must try  

I'll have no fear, for Jesus walks beside me, 

For I'm sheltered in the arms of God”

This beautiful song was originally written by Dottie Rambo, and Lynda Randle does a wonderful job covering it! Many people online shared their thoughts about this lovely rendition.

“Dottie Rambo’s songs are lyrically beautiful, threaded with the difficult experiences of her life.   She was an amazing lady who loved an amazing God. Beautiful rendition, Lynda,” comments one person on YouTube after watching the video.

“Beautiful song, beautiful rendition! Lynda Randle has such a beautiful deep velvet voice, and she expresses the emotion so well, that we can feel the message right into the depth of our souls and hearts!” writes another person online.

As for the story behind the song, Dottie has shared how the song came to be.

"There had been a very bad storm the day before, and driftwood was scattered along the beach. I was going through a time that was a low valley for me. It was sort of a 'storm' in my own life,” Dottie shared. “As the whitecaps broke across the water, and as I walked among the driftwood and the seaweed with my guitar strapped over my shoulder, I pondered the lyrics of several songs that the Lord seemed to be giving to me at the time."

She continued: "All of a sudden I thought, 'Lord, this storm is so much like my life, and yet, in the midst of the storms of life, you have been a shelter to me. When I can't take the storm, I run to you for that shelter and, suddenly, I feel secure. While thinking on those things and watching as the wind kicked up the waters, I began to write a song.”

We hope that the song ‘Sheltered In The Arms Of God’ was an encouragement for you today!