Check out this stunning cover of The Judds’ classic song ‘Love Can Build A Bridge’ from Kennedy Reid on American Idol. 

Kennedy Reid is a 23-year-old Mortician from New Albany, NY, who has made it to the Top 20 in this season’s American Idol. She does a wonderful job singing the Judds’ classic, ‘Love Can Build A Bridge.’ 

Kennedy truly captures the audience and judges with her stunning performance. As she belts out the powerful lyrics, may peace wash over your soul!

“Love can build a bridge

Between your heart and mine, 

Love can build a bridge, 

Don't you think it's time?”

Many people online also chimed in and shared about how much they loved seeing Kennedy sing this song on stage. Her performance touched so many hearts!

“I’ve liked her since the audition. There’s a humility, groundedness, gratefulness, and grace in her. And, of course, a good voice. And now there’s more confidence growing,” comments one person online. “Hope she gets to the end.”

“Kennedy, I love everything about you. You are a born entertainer. You've got it all! The voice, the moves, the look, the personality. I will be looking for your videos everywhere. Best to you,” writes another person on YouTube.

The song that Kennedy chose to perform, ‘Love Can Build A Bridge,’ is one of The Judds’ best-known hits from the 1990s. It served as a farewell from Naomi Judd, who was retiring from music due to chronic illness. She co-wrote the song with Paul Overstreet and John Barlow Jarvis.

We hope you enjoyed watching Kennedy Reid perform this classic song on American Idol, and we can’t wait to see what she does next!

“Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all wrongs.” Proverbs 10:12