Actress Jennifer Garner took her cute but large cat on a sweet tour in an adorable video posted on social media.

Most people love animals, even if they aren’t current pet owners. How could you not have a soft spot in your heart for at least cats and dogs? They are some of the most loving, loyal and caring creatures you’ll ever encounter on Earth.

In addition to their loving and loyal nature, felines and canines can be noisy little beings. Cats especially enjoy going to and checking out places they know they would do much better to avoid. But no matter how often you instruct a cat against doing something or going somewhere, the odds are good they will do that exact thing you told them not to do.

However, there are still some places that a cat, no matter how determined, cannot investigate. If that is the case, it’s likely because it isn’t physically able to reach it. In a video posted on Instagram, Jennifer took her cat, Moose, on a tour of places in her house that the feline would not be able to reach on its own.

The tour begins with Jennifer opening her refrigerator and allowing Moose to glance at its contents. The feline is somewhat intrigued by these new sights!

Next, Moose gets to experience the inside of the microwave. Although, Moose didn’t appear to be too thrilled by the microwave, at least at first. The cat momentarily latches onto Jennifer’s shoulder, digging its claws into her. Her pained expression tells it all!

Moose also looks at the massive fish tank in Jennifer’s house. Likely, the only thing going through Moose’s mind while looking at the large glass container of water is “food!”

But as all pet owners know, once you show a cat a new place, they’ll likely try to get back there on its own!

Proverbs 12:10 “An upright man has thought for the life of his beast, but the hearts of evildoers are cruel.”