You have to watch Chrissy Metz captivate the audience at the Grand Ole Opry with her new encouraging song 'Learning to Be Brave.' It’s an empowering song for all ages!

‘You can do anything

Just wait and see

Nothing's impossible

You just gotta believe’

This lovely song goes along with a children’s book and album that Chrissy Metz created, and she talks a little bit about that before her performance.

“As we heard earlier, I wrote a children’s book and a children’s album. So, I wanted to share one of the songs from the album. The album is titled Prayed For This Day, and I wanted to share one of the songs, because what I realized is that there was still a lot of inner-child work that I still needed to figure out. Thank goodness for therapy! We are very grateful,” Chrissy shares. “This song is titled ‘Learning to Be Brave,’ and I think we’re all still learning to be brave.”

What a beautiful and inspiring song with a message that can encourage both the young and old alike. It is not always easy to be brave, but it is something that can be cultivated with practice. What a great reminder for all!

The book that goes along with this children’s album is just as encouraging, and Chrissy shared a little about it in an interview.

“The book’s foundation is a gentle introduction to prayer, so a children’s album just felt like a natural extension,” Chrissy says. “The songs are all about bolstering young minds and hearts with encouragement, self-esteem, and unconditional love. Like my grandmother always said, ‘Singing is like praying twice.’ I love that.”

We hope that you truly enjoyed this performance by Chrissy Metz today and that you were encouraged by this sweet song about courage and bravery.