Carol Burnett, while playing an elderly woman, brought the laughs in a classic skit from The Carol Burnett Show.

No one has yet found a way to stop or slow down time. Since time continues to move forward at a steady and consistent pace, aging is still a process everyone experiences. Every second, minute and hour passes, we get a little older.

Since aging is an unfortunate fact of life and nothing we can stop or avoid, we might as well accept it. Worrying about getting older or something else we have no control over does no one any good. The best thing we can do regarding aging is to make and poke fun at it. Try to find the humor and the good in getting older.

That is precisely what Carol and Harvey Korman did in another hilarious sketch from The Carol Burnett Show. In the clip, Carol plays an elderly woman who is being honored for her many contributions to the world of acting. Movie stars and media members have come out in full force to celebrate Stella Toddler’s (Carol’s character) achievement.

However, because of Stella’s advanced age, several problems occur in the lead-up to her big moment. For starters, Stella has quite the issue with her hearing. It appears that she’s unable to hear when a megaphone is literally placed up to her ear.

Stella’s lack of hearing and her equally poor balance result in her being beaten senseless. She takes one inadvertent strike after another. At one point, she even ends up lying, face-first, on a massive, scorching light. She is mistakenly flipped on her back, allowing her back to rest on the blazing light fixture.

But, as with most good sketches, the biggest laugh is saved for last.

Throughout the sketch, Harvey appears on the verge of bursting into laughter, as he often does in skits. However, he does his best to keep from breaking character as Carol steals the show, providing one laugh after another.

Job 8:21 “The time will come when your mouth will be full of laughing, cries of joy will come from your lips.”