A big brother and his precious little sister had an adorable back-and-forth on numbers.

An education is one of the few things in life that will never be completed. There will always be something more to learn and understand. Even individuals who hold multiple degrees from some of the most prestigious educational institutions in the world can still learn more. We all have more to learn.

Without understanding basic facts and figures, one wouldn’t get very far in life or even function well in society. For that reason, children are sent to school at an early age. They learn information that will hopefully help them as they grow and eventually enter the job market.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your perspective and proficiency with numbers, a basic, minimal understanding of math is necessary. Mathematics and its many concepts, equations and formulas have always seemed to be one of those subjects that people either grasp immediately or struggle mightily with in school.

In a short but hilarious clip, a young man, Jack of the South, and his adorable little sister are at the kitchen table hard at work. They are working on a sheet filled with various numbers, which they mark with a black, erasable marker.

While they are working on their numbers, the two children discuss some of the numbers before them. It’s not so much a discussion as the young man is giving his little sister a lesson on counting and following the proper sequence of numbers.

He really wants her to understand what numbers come after what numbers, even raising his voice a time or two in apparent frustration. His cute little sister seems to get a tad upset as well.  

Near the video’s end, Jack of the South learns over, placing his arm on his sister’s number sheet to correct her mistake. She is not having it, though. She quickly removes his arm, letting him know his loving correction is unnecessary.

While these two might get a little upset with one another, as siblings often do, there’s a lot of love between the little boy and his sister.

Proverbs 1:5 “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain to wise counsels:”