Music has the uncanny ability to cause human beings to feel a whole slew of emotions. Whether it’s a favorite song from the past or a hymn that has a special meaning or memory attached to it, music does cause genuine reactions. One video on social media is likely to cause you to react with astonishment.

The video on Instagram shows one man on stage directing an auditorium full of people in the singing of a song. According to the video, the breathtaking display of musical talent took place in Singapore.

As the video shows, the man walks back and forth across the stage. He directs the audience when and how to sing. He moves his hands and arms up and down, signaling how high and low to sing. 

What we hear, though, is incredible! The massive audience, at the man’s direction, sings right on cue and together. The resulting sound is astonishing!


To make the clip even more amazing is the fact that the people in the audience do not even know one another. In fact, as the video points out, complete strangers comprise the audience. 

The caption to the video reads that “it doesn’t matter where you go – human beings sound so beautiful.”

Another person commented on the sound from the audience, writing, “sounds so beautiful.”

You cannot watch this clip and come away with anything other than authentic surprise and amazement at the audience’s essentially pitch-perfect sound! People, much like music, also have a way of coming together to create something beautiful. This video is a perfect example of the good that human beings can create. 

Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”