There’s no doubt that 2-year-old Bo and his sister Lydia make the sweetest pair. Bo was born with Down Syndrome and has a 12-word vocabulary. All of the words that Bo knows has been learned through music.
Just take this precious moment between Bo and his sister, for example. Lydia was looking after Bo while their mom was in the shower. Lydia grabbed her guitar and started to play ‘You Are My Sunshine’ for Bo and the sweetest duet started.
I love how he starts to sing the words along with Lydia and has the biggest smile on his face. Their mom, Amanda Bowman Gray, said that this song is extra special to Bo and the family because this is the song that they played when he was an infant and was recovering in the hospital from heart surgery.
There’s something so special about the bond between siblings and I can tell these two have so much love for one another. I’m so glad this sweet moment was caught on camera and can be cherished for years to come!