The Lord answered one family's prayer for help with unexpected kindness from a concerned and loving neighbor.

Life is often a series of unexpected events for anyone who may not know yet. Sometimes, those surprises are good and joyous and cause celebration. But other times, they are of the unwelcome, painful and heartbreaking variety.

Thankfully, when life's dark valleys and storms arrive, the Lord has placed caring and loving people in our lives. We can rely upon these individuals to help us through whatever we're enduring. These people are godsends and sometimes even literal answers to prayer. That was precisely what happened to one Tennessee family suffering and going through one of life's trials.

In a clip posted on YouTube, one woman, Tiara Leonard, spotted something unusual with her neighbors. She noticed that the family's car had not left their driveway in weeks and it had been a while since their lawn had been mowed. She also learned that the family was going through some medical issues.

That's when Tiara reached out for help on behalf of the Todd family. She wanted to do something to give them a helping hand during their time of need. Tiara then approached the Todds’ house with the help of a Memphis, Tennessee, television station and an anonymous donor, but there was no answer.

Several days later, Tiara tried the Todd residence again, and this time, Tammy Dodd answered the door. But little did Tiara know that her help was a quick answer to prayer.

"Me and my husband got together," Tammy said. "I woke him up at two or 3 o'clock in the morning, and I said, 'Let's pray. Let's ask God to help us through this process.' And He touched your heart to think about me even when family didn't, and I appreciate this."

Our acts of kindness and love could be the Lord’s way of answering the prayer of someone who so desperately needs it.

Ephesians 4:32 "And be kind to one another, full of pity, having forgiveness for one another, even as God in Christ had forgiveness for you."