Check out this video if you’re struggling to understand what God is doing in your life right now. This one woman shares some thoughts from her car that have resonated with many people already.

“If you’re struggling to understand what God is doing in your life right now, I have a word for you,” she says. “So yesterday, I was in a meeting and we all were talking about our faith journey and our God stories and our testimonies.“

“I remember talking about a certain part of my story, and I was like, all of these things were happening, and I couldn’t explain why these people were being nice to me for no reason or these opportunities were happening. And it had nothing to do with my power, and everyone had a very similar plotline like that. Things were happening that just were not in their power at all.”

She continues, “I think as human beings, we are so quick to forget, well a lot of things. I mean, I have forgotten what I ate for breakfast this morning, but we forget who God says he is. And I remember seeing a video of Jackie Hill Perry saying, ‘the Bible is a book of memories.’ We go back to the word because we have to remember who God says he is.”

“I would encourage you, if you are struggling to understand what the Lord is doing in your life, go back to who God says he is. Go read the word, go look back on your story, your God stories, your testimonies, and see the parts that were so mind-boggling in your story, that only God could have made that happen. Because we as humans are so easy to forget.” 

How true is that? Praise the Lord that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And that His goodness and grace always cover us. We hope that this video was an encouragement for you today.