A teenager overcomes constant torment, intimidation and a life-threatening, negative self-image to win a ticket to Hollywood on American Idol

Children and teenagers can be mean, often treating each other with hate, contempt and disdain. Kids seem to have a knack for spotting the most sensitive area in someone’s life and attacking it relentlessly and without mercy. With the invention of social media, bullies now have new mechanisms at their disposal in which to dispense their ridicule and vitriol. 

One young woman, 17-year-old Mikenley Brown, was on the receiving end of such mockery and derision. Those hate-filled and painful messages, as they would anyone, impacted that young lady deeply. It caused her to spiral, so much that it almost ended her life. She took what she was told as truth and suffered from an eating disorder. 

During a visit to the doctor, a medical professional was brutally honest with her, telling her she was on the verge of death. However, Mikenley, as she said, found her dream again.

Her father, who played the guitar during Mikenley’s audition, made a simple, but wise statement.

“She had to find her voice and realize she wasn’t created to fit in,” he said.

Amen! God didn’t create any of us to fit in and go along with the crowd. We are all individuals, given talents and skills for a specific reason and purpose. 

For her performance, Mikenley effortlessly and beautifully sang a unique version of Rihanna’s “Love on the Brain.” The way she moved her voice up and down, plus her distinct sound made for a thoroughly enjoyable audition!

Katy Perry, Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan were all smiles during her performance, which translated to all yes votes.

Katy was so impressed by Mikenley’s audition that she predicted she’d make it to the “top 24, at least.”

Ephesians 4:32 “And be kind to one another, full of pity, having forgiveness for one another, even as God in Christ had forgiveness for you.”